Ethics: Safety and Solicitation
Our "Ethics: Safety and Solicitation" course provides information about power dynamics, gaslighting, and how societal constructs and language can shift the power differential in the therapeutic relationship. This course is designed to increase awareness of gaslighting behaviors to improve the therapeutic relationship and avoid inadvertent slips into dangerous situations in the treatment room. By the end of this course, you will be able to confidently screen new clients, recognize the red flags of solicitors, and know when to professionally decline services or terminate the relationship with a client.
About the Presenter
Priscilla Fleming is clinically certified in neuromuscular and structural bodywork and the author of A Bodyworkers Guide to Soft Tissue Patterns.
In addition to her teaching roles with NAT and the NC School of Massage, she regularly appears as a keynote speaker and was recently featured in Massage Magazine.
Priscilla teaches about Ethics and Safety, an area that she is passionate about.
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