The Earth Massage is a deep, muscular massage designed to release tension, loosen muscles and free restrictions. This video integrates Side Posture, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release and Swedish Massage. Benefits include muscle lengthening, increased range of motion, and improved posture. Perform this massage on clients with muscle tension, limited range of motion, or on people who can’t lay face-down or face-up for long. This video also includes a 5 minute Yoga routine for the practitioner.
Instructor: Jenny Wilmer. Run time: 73 minutes.
Streaming Version
If you would like to watch this video online, we have partnered with Real Bodywork to offer a streaming version of this title, which comes as a 3 video set - you get Fire, Spirit & Earth for a bigger discount. Please click here:
Real Bodywork - Integrative Massage Earth Fire & Spirit Streaming Video
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